Incentivos ao Investimento Esposende

Committed to the ongoing assistance to the county’s economy, the Town Hall  identified the need to create new tools to foster entrepreneurial activity, attract investment and support the development of business activities, based on a network of partners and knowledge.

A need suppressed the moment START Esposende was launched, as it is an Investment Agency and Business Incubator.

Capable of providing close assistance, START Esposende plans to be present in the companies’ life from the moment they are still business ideas, welcome investors and entrepreneurs, settle in business hosting areas and after-care services for the company and its workers.

Within the scope of its competences, START Esposende plays the role of a true partner of the business projects that want to bring added value to the local economy, making available a network of essential partners for the success of the business projects.

Investors, companies and entrepreneurs can also rely on the Espaço Empresa (Business Contact Point) where, under the scope of the protocol established with IAPMEI, it will be possible to bring investors, businessmen and entrepreneurs closer to the countless public administration entities that intervene in the formalization, growth, that is, in the companies lives.

  • An innovative project that also means to interact directly with the cultural and natural heritage, with the social economy and with the county’s tourism promotion, highlighting its exceptional conditions to invest, visit and, above all, to live.
  • This project rises as a true propeller to develop the economy of the Municipality of Esposende, capable of setting the pace of sustainable growth, guaranteeing a vision of social, environmental, technological responsibility, focused on the well-being of both people and community.
  • A project that makes Esposende the new home for investors, so, Welcome Home.

Welcome Home.

At START Esposende we focus on increasing the local dynamic and therefore we support entrepreneurial and business investment initiatives

Our services are provided to all promoters aspiring to develop a business idea and to all the companies wishing to settle or expand within Esposende boundaries.

Our mission is to encourage interaction between the local community and potential investors and promoters, aiming at increasing the number of partnerships that foster the local economy as a whole.

START Esposende main objectives are:

  • Internal and external promotion of Esposende;
  • Support to attract and develop innovative projects;
  • Attraction of local investment.

Learn more about START Esposende:

Message from President
Guilherme Emílio

START Esposende is an innovative project that not only supports entrepreneurs and business owners in their early steps but also acts as an investment agency, generating wealth and employment while attracting new business ventures.

This multi-service space, which enables the incubation and development of primarily tech-based projects, offers companies choosing Esposende as their base access to a network of services with mentors and partners.

START Esposende provides a wide range of services, creating ideal conditions for investors—from the initial decision to settle in the municipality to offering comfort and integration for human resources and their families within the community.

This project is of great importance to the Municipality, as it boosts the economy and positively impacts the lives of both businesses and families choosing Esposende as their home. We aim for excellence in creating these conditions, as they will drive the success of the entire community.

Esposende is the perfect place to visit, but more importantly, to invest and live.

Welcome home!

Message from the City Councilor
Sérgio Mano

As City Councilor with delegated competences in the areas of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, it is with great and proud satisfaction that I join the materialization of a project I consider fundamental for the council’s economic development.

START Esposende exists to bring innovation into the way the Municipality of Esposende supports the different economic players, or the entrepreneurs that choose to move to and settle in Esposende.

It is a truly transformative project for the institutional relationship as we know it between the local administration and the corporate structure, turning it more close, intuitive, and fast.

A project that cares for innovation and modernization of procedures, placing the entrepreneur, the businessman, the investor at the center of the priorities to obtain the necessary to support to implement their business ideas, their projects, knowing that their success is also the success of our community.

START Esposende is just the departure point for a new era in the economic development of the Municipality of Esposende, we believe its role will be, in the short term, essential for the growth of our companies, the implementation of new projects and the settlement of new companies.

A departure point in the company of the best and more experienced partners regardless of their nature, public, private, academic, associative, all sailing together towards progress, modernization, and economic development.

I know we do share our pride in Esposende, the best place to Invest, Visit and Live, so, Welcome Home.

Welcome Home!

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?